No, I didn’t pick out an ad from Playboy.  Get your mind out of the gutter!




It was a horribly dark and depressing future envisioned by the scribes of the 1970s.  Just look at this poor fellow to the left, with a corporate logo stamped on his forehead like some sort of cheap commodity.  Run, man, run!  Your are a human being, not a thing!


Taken out of Action Comics #443, this ad screams success, doesn’t it?  Wouldn’t you hurry and hire this man for your high tech company?  Sure, the stamp is a little distracting, but he gets the job done.  Then again, he may not, as this electronics company seems pretty vague on what they teach.  What the hell is an ‘Auto-Programmed Lesson’ anyway?  Do they just strap you into a computer and zap your brain or something?  Why else would it have a trademark symbol?


And what’s with the goggles?  Are these electronics that dangerous?  Then again, they may have been necessary when he got that logo etched on his forehead.  You have to admit, he seems to be taking the disfigurement well, what with those glassy eyes staring into space, void of all emotion… almost like he’s high… hmm…


I wonder if CIE is still in business…